Extracting Employee Data with the BambooHR APIExtracting Employee Data with the BambooHR API - Practical Examples.

Connect to NetSuite

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up NetSuite User Roles to get Access Tokens using Token-Based Authentication. Access tokens are used to authenticate requests to NetSuite APIs, which enables you to integrate NetSuite with other applications.

By following these steps, you can grant specific NetSuite User Roles access to generate Access Tokens and use them to access NetSuite APIs securely.


  1. Create a role with the right permissions

  2. Assign the role to a new user

  3. Create an application

  4. Create access tokens

  5. Find your Account ID

  6. Configure the Netsuite connection

Info: This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of NetSuite and its interface.

Create a new User role

To grant access to the Netsuite, you need to create a user role to get Access Tokens using Token-Based Authentication

  1. User Roles to get Access Tokens using Token-Based Authentication:

  2. Log in to your NetSuite account as an administrator.

  3. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  4. Click on the 'New' button to create a new role. Give the role a name (e.g. Integration Role).

  5. Under the 'Permissions' tab, select the appropriate permissions that you want to grant to this role. Note that the role must have the necessary permissions to perform the tasks that the integration will be used for.

    We recommend to review the permission levels for the various sections:

    For "Transactions","Lists" we recommend to set the permission to "View" to allow reading data and "Full" to allow creating and/or modifying data. For "Lists","Currencies" we recommend to set the permission to "View" to allow reading data and "Full" to allow creating and/or modifying data. For "Setup", the only option is "None" or "Full", please set it to "Full" to grant access to the Netsuite instance.

    For more details about the Netsuite permission levels, please refer to the Access Levels page in NetSuite Help Center.


    Access Payment Audit LogView/Full
    Audit TrailView/Full
    Automated Cash ApplicationView/Full
    Bill Purchase OrdersView/Full
    Calculate TimeView/Full
    Cash SaleView/Full
    Cash Sale RefundView/Full
    Credit CardView/Full
    Credit Card RefundView/Full
    Credit MemoView/Full
    Credit ReturnsView/Full
    Customer DepositView/Full
    Customer PaymentView/Full
    Customer RefundView/Full
    Deposit ApplicationView/Full
    Edit ForecastView/Full
    Enter Opening BalancesView/Full
    Enter Vendor CreditsView/Full
    Expense ReportView/Full
    Finance ChargeView/Full
    Find TransactionView/Full
    Fulfill OrdersView/Full
    Generate Price ListsView/Full
    Generate StatementsView/Full
    Import Online Banking FileView/Full
    Invoice ApprovalView/Full
    Invoice Sales OrdersView/Full
    Item FulfillmentView/Full
    Item ReceiptView/Full
    Make Journal EntryView/Full
    Matching Rules for Online BankingView/Full
    Pay BillsView/Full
    Pay Sales TaxView/Full
    Post Vendor Bill VariancesView/Full
    Posting Period on TransactionsView/Full
    Purchase OrderView/Full
    Receive OrderView/Full
    Receive ReturnsView/Full
    Refund ReturnsView/Full
    Return Auth. ApprovalView/Full
    Return AuthorizationView/Full
    Sales OrderView/Full
    Sales Order ApprovalView/Full
    Set Up BudgetsView/Full
    Statement ChargeView/Full
    System JournalView/Full
    Track TimeView/Full
    Transfer FundsView/Full
    Vendor Bill ApprovalView/Full
    Vendor Payment ApprovalView/Full
    Vendor Return Auth. ApprovalView/Full
    Vendor Return AuthorizationView/Full
    Vendor ReturnsView/Full
    View Gateway Asynchronous NotificationsView/Full
    View Payment EventsView/Full


    SuiteAnalytics WorkbookEdit


    Tax RecordsView/Full


    Accounting ListsFull
    Accounting ManagementFull
    Deleted RecordsFull
    Log in using Access TokensFull
    Other ListsFull
    REST Web ServicesFull
    SOAP Web ServicesFull

Assign a user to the role

It is recommended that you create a separate user for this purpose instead of assigning the role to an existing user. It helps with better tracking and auditing operations.

  1. Click Lists > Employees > New

  2. Enter the employee details (e.g. Integration User), and email address.

  3. Click Access tab

    • select Give Access.

    • Enable Manually Assign or Change Password and specify a password.

  4. Under Roles, select the role that you created in Step "Create a new User role" from the drop down list (e.g. Integration Role) and click Add.

Create an Application

Once the role is set up, you can follow these steps to generate the consumer Key & Secret:

  1. Log in to your NetSuite account with a user who has been assigned the role (e.g Integration Role) that has access.

  2. Go to Setup > Integrations > Manage integrations.

  3. Click the 'New' button to create a new integration or select an existing integration that you want to use.

    • Name: Enter a meaningful name (for example, Integration App)
    • Authentication: Under the 'Authentication' section,
      • select 'Token-Based Authentication.'
      • For TBA: Authorization flow set
        as callback URL.
    • Oauth 2.0: Under the 'Oauth 2.0**' section,
      • Check "Authorization Code grant"
      • Check "REST API services"
      • Set
        as the redirect URI.

    Click the 'Save' button to save the changes.

  4. Once saved, the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be generated.

    💡 REMARK: Copy the "Consumer Key" and the "Consumer secret". You can not access this information once you exit this screen.

Create Access tokens

Create a New Access Token with the Role just created.

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens.
  1. Click the 'New' button to create a new Access token

  2. Complete the form

    • Select the "Application name" that you have created in the previous step (e.g. Integration App).

    • Select the "User", which we created in the previous steps (e.g. Integration User)

    • Give the token a recognizable "token name", for example Integration Token

    • Click the 'Save' button to save the changes.

4- Once saved, the Account Token ID and Secret will be generated.

💡 REMARK: Copy the "Token Id" and the "Token secret". You can not access this information once you exit this screen.

Find your Account ID

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Company Information

  2. Copy the Account ID

Configure the Netsuite connection

Enter the Account ID, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Token ID and Token Secret to get started with the integration.